The ‘Overnight Sensation’ Chia Seed Pudding & Cashew Cream Topping

This is the perfect dish to make if you happen to be ADD (there is no shame… most of my favorite people are) or can’t be bogged down in the kitchen for too long. You mix up the ingredients the day before, set it aside in the fridge and then do a couple of things right before serving it. I always have a batch ready or awaiting its final touches.

Would you believe that the 80’s pop culture phenomenon, the ch- ch- ch- chia pet, was actually made using the same chia seeds that seem to be so popular these days? We underestimated these power packed seeds. Ounce for ounce, they actually have more calcium than skim milk and more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon.

Another seemingly magical quality that the chia seed possess is that they help to curb your appetite. They expand when they are wet (see disclaimer in next paragraph) so they help your belly feel more full after you eat them. We have been making this recipe for a few months now and I have to admit that after eating a serving of the pudding for breakfast, I often feel more energetic and my appetite seems subdued. I have actually been surprised when lunchtime comes and I haven’t reached for a snack.

A kind warning about these innocuous looking little seeds. You might say to yourself, “These are delightfully crunchy and so good for you. I should try them on top of some cereal or oatmeal.” Do not attempt this without leaving your house with a pocket mirror and dental floss. The chia seed expands to almost three times its size when wet. You might not see a seed in your teeth right after you eat them but just give them an hour or two. You can thank The New Yummy for this tidbit when you spot one!



Chia Seed Pudding:

½ cup chia seeds

1½ cup unsweetened soy milk

3 tablespoons virgin and unrefined coconut oil

1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 teaspoons almond extract

pinch of salt

1 cup dried berries (Any kind of dried berry that is your favorite. We used golden raisins, mulberries, goji berries, and blueberries.)

5 tablespoons organic blue agave syrup


Cashew Cream Topping:

1 cup raw cashews

1½ cups apple juice

2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted

5 tablespoons organic blue agave syrup

¼ cup unsweetened soy milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract



1. In a medium sized bowl, add the coconut oil and the soy milk and whisk.
2. The coconut oil will be lumpy. Whisk until the larger pieces are gone.
3. Add the chia seeds, cinnamon, almond extract, salt and agave syrup.
4. Mix well and add the dried berries.
5. Cover the chia seed mixture with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator overnight.
6. Start making the cashew cream in a smaller bowl by adding apple juice to the raw cashews. Make sure that the apple juice covers the cashews completely. Add more juice if necessary.
7. Cover the cashew/juice mixture with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator overnight.
8. The next day, drain the cashews and place in a food processor.
9. Add coconut oil, agave syrup, soy milk and vanilla extract and pulse until smooth.
10. Serve the chia pudding with the cashew cream by putting a small amount at the bottom of a dish and layering the pudding. Put a small amount as a topping.
The pudding can, of course, be eaten without the cashew cream. We add this for a special treat.

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Comments: 4

  1. Karen B. August 18, 2012 at 8:13 am Reply

    This is one of the most creative recipes I’ve ever seen! Thanks for the closing tip about the dental floss!

    • thenewyummy August 18, 2012 at 1:53 pm Reply

      Thanks Karen! We are so happy that you like the recipe. More great ones to come. 😉

  2. Tawny October 4, 2012 at 9:32 pm Reply

    I’m allergic to soy, so will use almond milk. What can I use instead of agave syrup?
    Don’t have i;, don’t want to go to the expense of buying anything else either.

    • thenewyummy October 4, 2012 at 10:02 pm Reply

      Almond milk is fine to use. I would try maple syrup or brown rice syrup instead of agave. Maple syrup isn’t as sweet as agave syrup so you should sample it and add to taste. Please let us know how it turns out with the modifications!

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